How Matthew Scaled His Ghostwriting Business To $40,000 MRR In 18 Months

Want a behind-the-scenes peek into our PGA Hot Seats?Check out this recent session with one of our PGA members, Matthew Brown:

How Matthew Scaled His Ghostwriting Business To $40,000 MRR In 18 Months

Want a behind-the-scenes peek into our PGA Hot Seats?Check out this recent session with one of our PGA members, Matthew Brown:

Ready to become a Premium Ghostwriter (and land your first $5,000 client)?

Fill out the short survey below to join the waitlist for our Premium Ghostwriting Academy!

How Matthew Scaled His Ghostwriting Business To $40,000 MRR In 18 Months

Want a behind-the-scenes peek into our PGA Hot Seats?Check out this recent session with one of our PGA members, Matthew Brown:

Ready to become a Premium Ghostwriter (and land your first $5,000 client)?

Use the calendar below to book a call with one of our PGA Enrollment Advisors and we'll walk you through the next steps in the process:

$ Our Students Are Printing Money $

But don't take our word for it...Check out some of this week's wins in our students' own words:

Ready to become a Premium Ghostwriter (and land your first $5,000 client)?

Use the calendar below to book a call with one of our PGA Enrollment Advisors and we'll walk you through the next steps in the process:

How Nils Went From Broke College Student To $35k MRR With PGA

Want a behind-the-scenes peek into our PGA Hot Seats?Check out this recent session with one of our PGA members, Nils Liedlich:

Ready to become a Premium Ghostwriter (and land your first $5,000 client)?

Fill out the short survey below to join the waitlist for our Premium Ghostwriting Academy!

How To Make More Money As A Freelance Writer

It only takes 3 skills to go from broke to six figures as a writerCheck out this video from one of our founders to learn these 3 skills fast:

Ready to become a Premium Ghostwriter (and land your first $5,000 client)?

Use the calendar below to book a call with one of our PGA Enrollment Advisors and we'll walk you through the next steps in the process:

How Nils Went From Broke College Student To $35k MRR With PGA

Want a behind-the-scenes peek into our PGA Hot Seats?Check out this recent session with one of our PGA members, Nils Liedlich:

Ready to become a Premium Ghostwriter (and land your first $5,000 client)?

Use the calendar below to book a call with one of our PGA Enrollment Advisors and we'll walk you through the next steps in the process:

How A PGA Hot Seat Transformed Neera’s Approach To Warm Outreach (After Years Of Being Stressed About Writing Online)

Want a behind-the-scenes peek into our PGA Hot Seats?Check out this clip from a recent session with one of our PGA members, Neera Mahajan:

Ready to become a Premium Ghostwriter?

Fill out the short survey below to join the waitlist for our Premium Ghostwriting Academy!

How A PGA Hot Seat Transformed Neera’s Approach To Warm Outreach (After Years Of Being Stressed About Writing Online)

Want a behind-the-scenes peek into our PGA Hot Seats?Check out this clip from a recent session with one of our PGA members, Neera Mahajan:

Ready to become a Premium Ghostwriter?

Fill out the short survey below to join the waitlist for our Premium Ghostwriting Academy!

How Khalid Went From $0 To $12k/Month (With ZERO Ghostwriting Experience, A Newborn, And A 9-5 Job)

Want a behind-the-scenes peek of our PGA Hot Seats?Check out this clip from a recent session with one of our PGA members, Khalid Almashgari:

Fill out the short survey below to join the waitlist for our Premium Ghostwriting Academy!

Fill out the short survey below to join the waitlist for our Premium Ghostwriting Academy!

How Khalid Went From $0 To $12k/Month (With ZERO Ghostwriting Experience, A Newborn, And A 9-5 Job)

Want a behind-the-scenes peek of our PGA Hot Seats?Check out this clip from a recent session with one of our PGA members, Khalid Almashgari:

Ready to become a Premium Ghostwriter (and land your first $5,000 client)?

Use the calendar below to book a call with one of our PGA Enrollment Advisors and we'll walk you through the next steps in the process:

How Khalid Went From $0 To $12k/Month (With ZERO Ghostwriting Experience, A Newborn, And A 9-5 Job)

Want a behind-the-scenes peek of our PGA Hot Seats?Check out this clip from a recent session with one of our PGA members, Khalid Almashgari:

Ready to become a Premium Ghostwriter (and land your first $5,000 client)?

Use the calendar below to book a call with one of our PGA Enrollment Advisors and we'll walk you through the next steps in the process:

From Laid Off To $30k/Month In 7 Months

Want a behind-the-scenes peek of our PGA Hot Seats?Check out this clip from a recent session with one of our PGA members, Nicolas Bueno:

Ready to become a Premium Ghostwriter (and land your first $5,000 client)?

Fill out the short survey below to join the waitlist for our Premium Ghostwriting Academy!

From Laid Off To $30k/Month In 7 Months

Want a behind-the-scenes peek of our PGA Hot Seats?Check out this clip from a recent session with one of our PGA members, Nicolas Bueno:

Ready to become a Premium Ghostwriter (and land your first $5,000 client)?

Use the calendar below to book a call with one of our PGA Enrollment Advisors and we'll walk you through the next steps in the process:

How Khalid Went From $0 To $12k/Month (With ZERO Ghostwriting Experience, A Newborn, And A 9-5 Job)

Hey Lindsay, wanted to shoot you over an example of a student that did take a little longer to land a client...Check out this clip from a recent session with one of our PGA members, Khalid Almashgari:

Looking forward to touching bases with you tomorrow at 12:45pm EDT


Create An Offer They Can't Refuse

Cosplaying 'The Godfather' isn't exactly the best strategy for attracting clients, lol → but when you say the right words, your ideal clients WILL buy from youCheck out this video on what to say to land these high-paying clients:

Ready to become a Premium Ghostwriter (and land your first $5,000 client)?

Use the calendar below to book a call with one of our PGA Enrollment Advisors and we'll walk you through the next steps in the process:

PGA Student Oli Barton Landed His First Client 6 Weeks After Enrolling In PGA

Check out this clip of Oli talking with his Enrollment Advisor Tristan Workman about how the Premium Ghostwriting Academy got him there

Ready to become a Premium Ghostwriter (and land your first $5,000 client)?

Use the calendar below to book a kickstart call with one of our PGA Enrollment Advisors and we'll walk you through the next steps in the process:

How PGA Cofounder Nicolas Cole Took His First Ghostwriting Agency From Scratch To $60K A Month

Check out this clip of Cole explaining the 3 pillars he used to go from 0-$60K:

Ready to become a Premium Ghostwriter (and land your first $5,000 client)?

Use the calendar below to book a kickstart call with one of our PGA Enrollment Advisors and we'll walk you through the next steps in the process:

How PGA Cofounder Dickie Bush Went From Burnt Out Hedge Fund Trader to 6-Figure A Month Writing Business Owner

Check out this clip of how Dickie escaped the Wall St rat race with ghostwriting:

Ready to become a Premium Ghostwriter (and land your first $5,000 client)?

Use the calendar below to book a kickstart call with one of our PGA Enrollment Advisors and we'll walk you through the next steps in the process:

Writing Online Is The Most Profitable Skill Of The Next Two Decades

Check out this clip of PGA Cofounder Nicolas Cole on the 5 reasons why:

Want to learn how to use this skill to land your first $5,000 premium ghostwriting client?

Use the calendar below to book a strategy call with one of our PGA Enrollment Advisors -and- we'll walk you through the next steps in the process:

How Nils Went From Broke College Student To $35K/Mo

Want a behind-the-scenes peek of our PGA Hot Seats?Check out this clip from a recent session with one of our PGA members, Nils Liedlich:

Ready to become a Premium Ghostwriter (and land your first $5,000 client)?

Use the calendar below to book a call with one of our PGA Enrollment Advisors and we'll walk you through the next steps in the process:

How Bueno Went From Laid Off To $30K/Mo In 7 Months

Want a behind-the-scenes peek of our PGA Hot Seats?Check out this clip from a recent session with one of our PGA members, Nicolas Bueno:

Ready to become a Premium Ghostwriter (and land your first $5,000 client)?

Use the calendar below to book a call with one of our PGA Enrollment Advisors and we'll walk you through the next steps in the process:

How Matthew Scaled His Ghostwriting Business To $40K/Mo

Want a behind-the-scenes peek of our PGA Hot Seats?Check out this clip from a recent session with one of our PGA members, Matthew Brown:

Ready to become a Premium Ghostwriter (and land your first $5,000 client)?

Use the calendar below to book a call with one of our PGA Enrollment Advisors and we'll walk you through the next steps in the process:

How PGA Cofounder Dickie Bush Went From Working On Wall St To A 7-Figure Ghostwriting Business Owner

Check out this clip of how Dickie escaped his 9-5 through ghostwriting:

Ready to become a Premium Ghostwriter (and land your first $5,000 client)?

Use the calendar below to book a kickstart call with one of our PGA Enrollment Advisors and we'll walk you through the next steps in the process:

PGA Cofounder Nicolas Cole Talking About The 5 Steps To Landing 4 Figure Ghostwriting Clients

Short crash course on how to avoid the biggest client acquisition mistakes:

Ready to become a Premium Ghostwriter (and land your first $5,000 client)?

Use the calendar below to book a kickstart call with one of our PGA Enrollment Advisors and we'll walk you through the next steps in the process:

PGA Cofounder Nicolas Cole Talking To Ali Adaal On The 5 Ways To Make $1 Million As A Writer

Watch Full Episode Here!

Ready to become a Premium Ghostwriter (and land your first $5,000 client)?

Use the calendar below to book a kickstart call with one of our PGA Enrollment Advisors and we'll walk you through the next steps in the process: